19 July 2011

College Success Stories

The Unigo Expert Network is a group of top education experts from across the US answering questions submitted by students and parents about college admissions and succeeding after high school.

“In all of your years working with students, what were some of the most unexpected successes you witnessed – I could use a little pick me up?”—Jamie S., Rutland, VT.

A: Parent's thanks

I have been pleasantly surprised in my career with some of the "thank you’s I have received from parents who initially totally disagreed with advice I had given them and their children.  Many of the parents I have dealt with are as young as my own children and, perhaps, my "generational" perspective was not always welcomed.  I strongly believe that as children move toward college choices and decisions they must also move toward finding their own path.  Parents can be loving and all concerned, but this can also be overwhelming for kids who truly must start to make their own way. 

  • Marie Bullock— Independent Counselor - Washington Lee High School

A: Enhanced study skills = better grades and more college choices

“Anna” came to us during sophomore year with dreams of attending medical school. Yet she had a B- average and test anxiety. Over the summer we helped analyze her study habits and come up with a concrete plan for the next school year. One of Anna’s strengths was her leadership in extracurricular involvement. We encouraged her to apply her enthusiasm to her medical interests—and she landed a paid summer position in a top tier medical research lab. When junior year rolled around, she put her new study plan in place and earned much stronger grades and improved SAT scores. This upward trend combined with her compelling activities helped her gain admission to her top college choice.

  • Joan Casey—President - Educational Advocates College Consulting Corp.

A: Persistent, post-graduate, and Division I dreams come true

Persistence is the common denominator among students who have taken a gap year in order to gain acceptance to their dream colleges. These students had an interest in playing sports at the collegiate level. While each played sports competitively during high school, each needed the additional time and demonstrated academic rigor to advance to the Division 1 levels. Each student attended a selective boarding school post-graduate and is now playing basketball at Dartmouth, and the other is playing lacrosse at Davidson.

  • Pamela Ellis– Founder - Compass Education Strategies LLC

Don’t miss answers by the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Seton Hall, and more – at www.unigo.com/expertnetwork.  To send your question to our experts, visit www.unigo.com/expertquestions


Garret said...

Wow! What a success made by someone who had been a post graduate of a boarding school . The teaching they have can really turn a person in a much better person. And I admire those who made the right decision to go through all the pain and struggle for them to have what they have been dreaming of.