Showing posts with label college admission secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college admission secrets. Show all posts

19 February 2010

Tips To Help You Get Into College (part 4)

Continuing from Tips to Help You Get Into College (part 3), today we have tips 7 and 8. Last time I discussed standardized tests and college visits (in part 3) so tips 7 and 8 have to do with being organized and showing interest in colleges.

Image by lil_foot_

 7. Be Organized!!  College application for early decision are due on November 1st for most students. If students plan on applying to a college via early decision, then they had better meet these deadlines. This will probably require working on applications over the summer, but it is for college, so it's worth it. It is immensely important that students start to work on their college apps in all cases over the summer. Once school starts again in the fall, time just flies by and it will be December in what seemed like a few weeks. Stay on top of your applications!!  Missing deadlines is the WORST thing that you could do for colleges. Universities have so many other applicants that they will not fret over one lost potential student; there are 5 others who can just as easily fill that space (and who applied on time). Senior year is tough because many students choose to take multiple AP classes and are leaders in their classes and sports. This is all the more reason to be organized and get applications done piece by piece, whenever possible. There will be plenty of time for students to party and relax come March, when acceptance letters are mailed. Although I do NOT recommend it, from March on, seniors could basically just show up to class and twiddle their thumbs the rest of the year. This would get kind of boring, but you get the idea. The important thing is that students get all of their paperwork in on time and have the time to put into it. So, all that I can say is BE ORGANIZED!

8. Show some interest in the colleges that you want to attend. Although, in the grand scheme of applications interest is not as important as grades, tests, or extra curriculars, it is something that can make the difference between 2 students. College obviously want students who are interested in what the school has to offer, because above all else, they want students to enjoy their experience. They prefer to have students who will absolutely love the campus than students who will settle for it.  So how does a student show interest in college? The answer is actually pretty simple; sign up for their information. The colleges will email students information, and soon they will start to send snail mail. College visits help a lot too. Different colleges have different methods, so it is up to students to figure out the best way to show interest. You can find out how to have the college contact you on their official websites. Try to get their attention somehow.


23 July 2009

Activities Outside of School: The Secret to College

Do you want to go to a good College? Most people want to go to a good school, but there is so much competition to get into college today. A student needs some way to edge out everyone else and earn that coveted spot. So what is the secret to getting into a good college? Besides performing well in school, extra curricular activities are the determining factor for college admissions. A school might have two very smart and qualified applicants; one who plays computer games during his free time and another who volunteers at the local animal shelter. Who do you think that the school will admit most of the time? In most cases the answer is clear. Pretty simple secret right?

Image by Harish Sharma

The way a student chooses to spent his or her free time leaves a very powerful impression on a college. Activities outside of school are very important to all universities. These activities can be almost anything, as long as they are something. Colleges love to ask about extra curricular activities, so have something good to say. Some of the most notable questions that a college tries to answer before admitting a student are: What will this student bring to our school? Will admitting this student make our school a better place? and What can this student add to our community that the other student (who plays video games) cannot? Extra curricular activities are the best way to show colleges what a student is interested in and how he or she expands on that interest. Because most of admissions are tests and grades, activities outside of school are the best way to show a student's personal self. They put a human face on an application.

It is important, however, not to overwork oneself with activities outside of school. It is better to have 2 or 3 particular hobbies or activities to spend time on than to have 6 or 7. Participating in just 2 or 3 means that the student can dedicate more time to these activities and become better at them. Schools like to see dedication, not sheer numbers. Colleges also realize that a student cannot do everything and do not expect him or her to. For this reason, less is more, regarding extra curricular activities. However, at the same time, it is important to make sure to do SOMETHING. I understand that it is difficult for many, if not most teens to sleep, let alone dedicate time to other activities, but it must be done. There is no choice. Sure you could do nothing other than focus on school, but such a limited view will not get anyone far in college. Make time for extra curricular activities- that is one of the biggest secrets to college admission.

Most importantly however, is not to abandon living a normal life. It is very easy to get lost in the bubble known as school and forget about everything other than the test on Monday, or the SAT a few weeks from now. It happens to everyone so do not fret. Although school and applications are important, it is only one part of life. Colleges want students who enjoy living life, because these people make life worth living. Living and experiencing life is the best extra curricular that any student can participate in. Try and work hard, but never give up living life to its fullest.

For much more on this same topic please read my article Using Extra Curricular Activities for College. It goes into much more depth about extra curricular activities and how to use them for college admissions.